Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Using Blogger to Make a Six-Figure Income?

I’ve read in a few articles that claim if you really want to make a six-figure income from your blog that you need to use Wordpress or something other than Blogger, such as Steve Pavilina’s article How To Make Money From Your Blog.

I’d like to conduct a survey of my fellow bloggers out there who either use Blogger or have used it in the past and who are making an income from their blogs.

I invite you to share your experience. In return I will add a link of your blog to mine. I will post the results of this survey in 1 month. If you want to ensure that you see the survey
results, please feel free to
subscribe to my feed via email.

Just copy/paste the survey into the comments field.

  1. Do you use Blogger?

  2. If not have you ever used Blogger?

  3. Do you monetize your website/blog?

  4. What is your average monthly income range from your blog? (If you choose to share this info I will not publish your comments on this website. I will “reject” it and it will never be shared with anyone, only as part of anonymous data sets.)

  5. General comments regarding this topic: (i.e. Do you think you have as much earning potetial with Blogger as with other platforms, like Wordpress?)

Thank you!

(Update: Thanks to AProBloggerMom for sending me the link to the post from Problogger.net where Darren Rowse found that Blogger was the #2 blogging platform used by his readers. Click here to see the full results of his poll.)


Tamara said...

Great post! I have the same questions as you. I also use Blogger, have three blogs and monetize them all. I am fairly new, only starting in late January, so have no income to report as of yet...but hopefully one day! I'm not very savvy with web design and all the bits and pieces that go along with it, so Blogger is easiest, cheapest and the least intimidating for me to use at this time. If I ever even come close to making a six figure income, I'll be sure to hire someone straight away to fix me up "properly"! I've also seen quite a few professional bloggers who use Blogger and do ok. I also believe the Problogger himself, Darren Rowse, did a similar poll as this, and found the 2nd most used platform was Blogger, Wordpress was first of course. Here's a link: http://www.problogger.net/archives/2006/01/18/blog-platforms-poll-results/

Evelyn said...

Yes, I have used blogger since the days when it was still in Beta mode back in 99 or 2000. Unfortunately, I didn't monetize my blog 'cause I was just blogging for the love/novelty/enjoyment of the community. I am a huge blogger fan and I have several blogs there now, but none monetized.


K. Stone said...

Thanks to everyone who is responding to the survey!

Here are the questions:
1. Do you use Blogger?
2. If not have you ever used Blogger?
3. Do you monetize your website/blog?
4. What is your average monthly income range from your blog? (If you choose to share this I will not publish your comments on this website. I will “reject” it and it will never be shared with anyone, only as part of anonymous data sets.)
5. General comments regarding this topic:

K. Stone said...

George C. I did not publish your comments since you included $$ numbers. If you want me to add a link of your blog to my blog roll, please leave your URL here in the comments.

txdave said...

As you said more photos, maybe more color.

I like the font and interesting reading, maybe bit more of a theme, see what I mean:



good luck


Anonymous said...

Do you use Blogger? No, I use squarespace which has been very very good to me so far.

If not have you ever used Blogger? I did for about 2 weeks and realized I wanted something more.

Do you monetize your website/blog? I try with google adsense but because it's more of a personal website, I'm not making alot.

What is your average monthly income range from your blog? No comment.

General comments regarding this topic: I don't think it matters which system you use. I think what matters is the quality of posts and how you get the word out.

I would love to join your blog roll! It's www.katiescrazyride.com

K. Stone said...

DA: Thank for your comments. I didn't publish them since they had a $ amount. If you want a link to your blog, please send me another comment with your URL. Thanks

Tamara said...

Thanks for the extra link love! :-)

surjit singh said...

yes, I have been using blogger quite for some time.But I have not used my blog to earn money.Your survey is a good idea.Best wishes.

amos dettonville said...

Here are the questions:
1. Do you use Blogger?

yes, i do and have been since 2001 or so.

2. If not have you ever used Blogger?

i've used others ... but that wasn't the question was it :-)

3. Do you monetize your website/blog?

sure, everyone's doing it :-)

4. What is your average monthly income range from your blog?

somewhere between 0 and gazillions :0)

5. General comments regarding this topic:

i'd kinda like to see the rest of the comments where $ figures were mentioned - like cut that line - but share the rest.

i think most people who blog are not in it for the money - but certainly would like to see some $ if it were possible (or if they didn't have to become sploggers or have the number of blogs(???) it takes to generate the traffic one needs to make money.

so, maybe the added question(s) might be: do you blog for money? do you blog for hobby? or something to that effect. maybe the next survey or poll eh?

here's my little poll on polls at mostbloggers.


Anonymous said...

Do you use Blogger?
Yes, I actually use blogger to archive my published articles.

Do you monetize your website/blog?
One of them yes, but I'm having trouble with blogger.

What is your average monthly income range from your blog?
Not even worth mentioning, yet, but Im still hoping.

K. Stone said...

Thanks for all the recent comments!

Amos: when I publish the results I will include the non-income comments from those I couldn't post.

Your added questions are interesting. Anyone who wants to answer these too, feel free: do you blog for money? do you blog for hobby? Other?