I’ve read in a few articles that claim if you really want to make a six-figure income from your blog that you need to use Wordpress or something other than Blogger, such as Steve Pavilina’s article How To Make Money From Your Blog.
I’d like to conduct a survey of my fellow bloggers out there who either use Blogger or have used it in the past and who are making an income from their blogs.
I invite you to share your experience. In return I will add a link of your blog to mine. I will post the results of this survey in 1 month. If you want to ensure that you see the survey
results, please feel free to subscribe to my feed via email.
Just copy/paste the survey into the comments field.
- Do you use Blogger?
- If not have you ever used Blogger?
- Do you monetize your website/blog?
- What is your average monthly income range from your blog? (If you choose to share this info I will not publish your comments on this website. I will “reject” it and it will never be shared with anyone, only as part of anonymous data sets.)
- General comments regarding this topic: (i.e. Do you think you have as much earning potetial with Blogger as with other platforms, like Wordpress?)
Thank you!
(Update: Thanks to AProBloggerMom for sending me the link to the post from Problogger.net where Darren Rowse found that Blogger was the #2 blogging platform used by his readers. Click here to see the full results of his poll.)